Archive for September 12th, 2006

nine eleven

September 12, 2006

Five years ago, the whole world changed.

Four years ago, I was still mourning and terrified.

Three years ago, I finally became who I want to be (not three years ago to the day, granted, but it was about three years ago nonetheless)

Two years ago, to the day, I was extremely pregnant, miserable, and wondering why I Julia was still inside me on my due date … until 11pm, when my water broke and I knew I’d be having a baby within the next 12 hours.

One year ago, sadly, is a blur. Julia’s birthday crept up SO FAST (I know, I know … cliche) but oh my gosh, I remember being in denial about her really actually being one day shy of one year old.

Today, I appropriately reflect on “The Events of September Eleventh” – both the events that happened in the world and the events that happened in the hospital two years ago. I am still in horrific shock every time the media makes me watch those airplanes and I’m still in completely blissful shock every time I marvel at my daughter growing up.
