Archive for July, 2007

Just Moved

July 16, 2007

I’ve been complaining a lot lately about this blog.  I have not loved my blog since I moved from blogger to wordpress.  I didn’t want to switch BACK to blogger because I was afraid of losing my readers. (hahahahahahaha… how aburbd!  I know that you both will still love me.)   But, alas, I’ve matured and remembered that this here blog business is supposed to be about ME and ME and ME… so I’ve moved back home.  (Blogger – I’ve missed you and please forgive me.) (WordPress – I’m sorry this hasn’t worked out. You’ve been great for all the blog brainiacs out there, but I need something that can dumb it down for me.)

I’m still looking for the time to add a great blogroll and some other fun stuff to it, but blogger is SO MUCH easier to work with (since I’m not too bright) and I trust that these additions will come easily when I have 5 minutes to myself without a toddler on my lap.

Go see us at our new home, I think you’ll be pleased with the progress. 🙂

Why I am Moody

July 9, 2007

I can’t sleep.

I have a basketball under my shirt… or so it seems.

I’m swollen everywhere – and thats not very pleasant “down there.”

It’s hot outside – and humid.  I’m from Colorado, where hot and humid don’t happen on the same day. I miss home a bit.

I lost the bottoms to my only maternity swimming suit. So, when I want to go swimming, I have to go in boy gym shorts and my suit top.

Julia has a cold.  A toddler with a cold.  Enough said.

The baby’s room still needs trim put up and the closet cleaned out.

The playroom still needs…  wait, what playroom?

I have to find my own replacement for the 2 months I plan to be gone on maternity leave for one of my jobs, and that’s not going so well.

Water gives me heartburn.

The very frequent trips to the pee-hole aren’t cute or fun anymore.

I work with ALL women, many of which think it’s appropriate to feel my belly at any time.

Julia has been testing limits ever since we got the crib put together…  coincidence?

My doctor canceled my last appointment, which was supposed to be on Friday. (He had a funeral to go to.)

Many of the volunteers at church that I am supposed to coordinate and schedule for Sunday mornings are burning out and finding excuses not to come anymore.

My dad is coming to visit in early August and he and his wife will have no where to sleep unless we get busy with the downstairs level of our home, which needs a lot of TLC.

My feet itch like crazy – well my whole body does – but my feet are hard to reach.

My back muscles are mad at me for lifting things I really shouldn’t be lifting.

My nesting instincts are kicking in, but I don’t feel a lot of progress – and that’s just depressing.

There, that feels better.  While it’s nice to be pregnant, and I do appreciate everything that I have – an occasional whine-fest is healthy once in a while.  Thanks for listening.

Then and Now

July 7, 2007

One year ago…




Obligatory Update

July 1, 2007

Vacation Bible School is over and I can breathe again!  It was fun.  The week of VBS was a blast, and I was able to forget all the hard times I went through having two other directors in the mix with me.  They took over, and I finally let them do it – and now I’m glad for that because .. now that it’s over, I realize that all the silly details weren’t all that important anyway.

Hubby turned 30.  He got a gift card to the brew store. He loves to brew his beer… I’ve been craving beer, but have only had one small sip of the stuff since almost a year ago.  I’m glad he has some good hobbies that keep him out of trouble anyway.

He also had his second Father’s Day.  I think I gave him the best gift ever…  Julia got him a gift certificate to go golfing, and I got him a whole day off from church.  Rich hasn’t missed a day of church since I got hired (except twice, when we were both out of town together)… and he was able to take that entire Sunday to golf with his dad and his brother.  I think they had fun – they came back smelly and tired and telling stories of the beaver they saw on the course.

We also had our 6th wedding anniversary.  We dumped Julia off at her Auntie’s house so that Rich and I could enjoy dinner together without her.  We ate at the Cracker Barrel, and then went shopping and putzed around town for a bit.  When we picked J up at Auntie’s house, we also brought her two cousins home with us… they spent the night at our house, as a small favor to Auntie and Uncle – who needed a sitter the following morning.  It was a lesson in patience, but it was fun nonetheless.

Then VBS happened, and now here I am trying to come up with all kinds of details that have happened in 3 weeks time to keep this blog updated.

The baby is kicking – she seems healthy and happy.  This coming Thursday will be my first OB appointment that is 2 weeks after the last one.  I’ll get to visit every 2 weeks for a while, then it will go to weekly during my last month.  The due date still hasn’t changed (which is a good thing, since I’m kind of an anal planner)… she’s scheduled to arrive sometime around the 26th of September.  That puts me close to my 28th week, and now I’m starting to feel the pain.  This pregnancy is much harder than the last one. Much much much… but I’m managing to enjoy it when I can.  Julia is excited – and I think life around here is going to change drastically over the next week or so, when we FINALLY get the nursery put together.  God bless my hunk of a hubby who has put new cork flooring down in the nursery … the walls are painted.. the trim has been painted… and it’s all going to come together soon.  He puts up with my impatient nagging… I keep asking him when it’s going to be done – and he patiently reminds me that it’s hard to paint walls and install a floor when taking care of a preggo wife, a toddler kid, running a VBS station, and working full time all at once.  I forget sometimes how much he does for us. He’s amazing.

When we get the nursery put together, then we can refocus on the playroom – which is supposed to be the whole downstairs of the house (next to the this-here-office of ours).  That will be such a blessing…  though, I wish it could miraculously get done within the next 5 weeks so that I can seriously consider starting my home childcare business.  I guess we’ll have to wait and see….

I think my dad and his wifey are coming out in early August.  I told him they’re crazy – they might as well wait until early October… saves them a trip, because they will HAVE TO come out to meet little missy when she’s born..  but he insists and they have the time and plans to come anyway, so that’ll be cool.

I’ve been thinking about and missing my mom and my brother a lot lately.  It’s been years since I’ve talked to my now-estranged brother… but he’s been coming up in my thoughts a lot lately for some reason.  I hope he’s okay.  My mom and I chat very briefly from time to time online… but never with any sustenance to the conversation.   I think this pregnancy is making me hyper-aware of the relationship that is missing there.   Oh well.

I’ve been a horrible friend to everybody around me lately.  My long-time friend Abbey recently graduated college and I didn’t even so-much-as send her a card.  My friend Angela has given us a ton of stuff for the baby and I haven’t sent her a card or called her at all recently.  I have no idea how my Aunt Julie-O is doing… I haven’t talked to her since right after she had her back surgery months ago.  My friend Megan visited a couple of months ago with their newborn baby and she’s since sent pictures over email and I haven’t taken the time to write her a few sentences to let her know I’ve been thinking of her.

I’d love to say that I’m going to sign off now so that I can catch up on all those regrets… but what really must be done is some tidying up of the office before I lose myself in the piles.
Thanks for reading! Look forward to another long, rambling, senseless update in the future.
